Thursday 11 June 2009

Our Ideal school.....

In our ideal school, we wouldn’t work in the afternoons and we wouldn’t have any homework, except learning our lessons. Besides, there would be no marks, so no pressure….
There would be a sports competition at the end of the year and more trips abroad in sunny countries…. As regards the subjects, there would be more history lessons and we could choose our subjects because some of them really suck ** however we - at least Martin ! - would have to learn Estonian and there would be more sports like tennis. All our teachers would look smart and classy and not dressed in tacky clothes…Our Spanish teacher would look like Penelope Cruz whereas our maths teacher would look like Jude Law. Like in France , there wouldn’t be any uniforms…The music of the school bell would be “ Même pas fatigués” by Magic System . As for the school building proper , it would be ecological with solar panels and made with sustainable equipment .There would be a big park with a lake and some swans. Besides, there would be a swimming pool and a cinema where it’d be compulsory to watch “ La Cité de la Peur” We would have a good school restaurant with organic food which would be open all day and would be free… We would be allowed to use our mobile or Ipod during class if we don’t like the subject.

Tell us , what would your ideal school look like ?!!!
By the way, congratulations for the match !!!!!

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