Wednesday 14 January 2009


At the moment we are talking about stereotypes in class , we’ve been through different clichés about the Europeans .
Here is what we think the Scottish are like ;-) .

Of course, this is not to be taken seriously because we've seen that stereotypes are oversimplified opinions !

- les écossais sont sympas/The Scottish are nice ( starts rather well, doesn’t it ?)

- ils portent des kilts / they wear kilts
- ils jouent de la cornemuse/they play the bagpipes
- ils sont bons en rugby et en sport / They are good at rugby and at sport in general
-ils ressemblent tous à Sean Connery/They all look like Sean Connery
- Ils ont peur du Monstre du Loch Ness/ They are afraid of the loch Ness Monster
- Ils adorent les moutons/ they are sheep – lovers
- Ils adorent le whisky ! / they just love whisky !
- Ils sont grippe-sous / They are greedy /stingy
- Certains ne sont pas beaux / Some of them are not handsome ….

Alors vous pensez que c’est vrai ? !!! Répondez nous et dites nous ce que pensez des français..
So, is that true? !! Tell us !

And tell us what you think the French are like….


Anonymous said...

Ils aiment les croissants / They love croissants
ils portent d'ail autour du cou / they wear garlic round their neck
Ils aiment les baguettes / They like baguettes
ils portent des bérets / they wear beréts

Unknown said...

Ils aiment le vin!

They love wine!

Martin said...

Of course , we love wine ! It's delicious

Satyan Jaquens said...

But we love the GOOD wine not the british's wine!!

Martin said...

Of course

G Fraser said...

moi aussi j'aime le bon vin...surtout le vin italien ou espagnol!!

Unknown said...

Ils aiment le fromage

They love cheese!

Amy said...

French people drink wine every day, smell of garlic, love bread and croissents, passionate about their country. And Scottish people don't look like Sean Connery (i don't even know who he is :L) and we arn't scared of the Loch Ness Monster :D
Amy and Lauren

Anonymous said...

They eat snails for breakfast!
They wear stripy T-shirts!
They like to eat frog's legs!

From Courtney (using katherine's account)

Anonymous said...

Hey British wine is the bomb.

Rache! said...

Ils aiment l'ail et les berrets

:) :) :) :)

Martin said...

British wine ? I don't prefer think it(Yuk !)