an eTwinning project : un projet eTwinning
Allez-vous activités après l'école?
Do you go to any activities after school?
I have a dance lesson after school.j'ai un cour de dance après le college.
Yes, on mondays I have got a dance lesson from 18:45 to 20:15.Oui, le lundi j'ai un cours de dance de 18h45 à 20h15.
Je nage tous les soirs, c'est la vie ...
Yes. Lots of us play sports after school and instruments too. Me and My friends play hockey :D
I play tennis table after school.
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I have a dance lesson after school.
j'ai un cour de dance après le college.
Yes, on mondays I have got a dance lesson from 18:45 to 20:15.
Oui, le lundi j'ai un cours de dance de 18h45 à 20h15.
Je nage tous les soirs, c'est la vie ...
Yes. Lots of us play sports after school and instruments too. Me and My friends play hockey :D
I play tennis table after school.
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